[SML] Mount to structural beams

Bill Conner billconnerastc at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 15:12:25 UTC 2016

Just out of curiosity, is the projector significantly larger than
lighting or a speaker you might hang in that area?  What does it
weigh?  Not saying don't have it checked but we tend to design stages
for some very heavy loads, and I don't usually consider a projector to
be that heavy.

We require contractors to provide engineering drawings of their gear -
through the attachment and to show the loads or forces on the
building's structural framing.  It's not reasonable or even usual for
a contractor - like a rigging contractor - to reverse engineer the
building.  If there are not documents that  detail what the building
was designed for, calculating that or calculating that the load to be
added is OK may be well beyond a rigging - or av - contractors or
their engineer's  expertise. Yes, you can require the a/v contractor
to have a structural engineer investigate the building but it may not
be the one they use for their gear and likely not in their contract
unless that was very clearly stated in the documents. If the original
engineer who designed this framing - and that's likely to be two - one
for the twg and one for the building - they would be able to do this
most efficiently.

Bill Conner Fellow of the ASTC

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