[SML] remote triggered digital camera

PJ Veltri pjveltri at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 18:34:20 UTC 2016

You can control Canon Eos cameras via a computer using software from the manufacturer. It's detailed in this document 

As far as mounting I've mounted video cameras  using t plates ( which are apparently called stereo bars https://reverb.com/item/132583-on-stage-stands-my-500-stereo-microphone-mount?_aid=pla&pla=1&gclid=CjwKEAiApLDBBRC8oICb9NvKsg0SJAD9yOHs-OS8Bmgx9ta8UMO1jurVA9FFoW9UO7GQfG8GWRDRvBoCbRvw_wcB)  for mic stands and attaching them to sidearms to hang from lighting pipes. 

Hope this helps 
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