[SML] Orchestra pit lifts

Duncan Mahoney dmahoney at usc.edu
Thu Sep 8 19:50:21 UTC 2016

Again not in Florida, but...Our pit was built without lifts and about a decade ago it was retrofitted with pit lifts using Serapid Linklift "chain".  2 chains and a motor for each lift, the chain drive mechanisms sit on adjustable bases supported on the concrete slab floor.  Apart from the couple times flood water has flowed down the pit wall and gotten into the limit switches, the system has been mostly trouble free, and the repairs we have had to make were the fault of the company that designed the elevator platforms and tracks, not the Linklift.  The downsides are that we lost about 2 1/2' of pit depth to accommodate the Linklift mechanism and platform structure, and the lifts are very slow.

Duncan Mahoney
Director of Technical Direction
Associate Professor of Theatre Practice
University of Southern California School of Dramatic Arts

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