[SML] Solenoids

Dougherty, Jim jdougher at middlebury.edu
Tue Sep 27 19:56:43 UTC 2016

Matthew Whiton wrote:

>Does anyone have any advice/pitfalls to avoid? Are there quiet
>solenoids out there, or do they all have that snap/click when they get

Not to hijack the thread (because I¹m sure there¹s a lot of good info
about to come and I want to read it) but add to your possibilities small
pneumatic cylinders.  Bought used, they¹re cheap on eBay and you can
change the force and noise with which they operate by changing air
pressure.  You¹ll need the compressor, valving and supply line to
correspond with the power, switches and wiring a solenoid uses.

I got a lot of 40, different types, for just over $100 last year.  They
are Fabco cylinders, and Fabco is both very common and also great at using
model numbers that help you identify type, size and rating from their

Bring on the solenoid info!

- Jim Dougherty
ATD, Middlebury College Theatre Dept

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