[SML] Theatre-in-the-Round Productions

Jon Ares jonares at arescreative.com
Wed Apr 26 15:40:34 UTC 2017

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 8:12 AM, Richard John Archer via Stagecraft
<stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
> Yes…take a look at the season history of Washington’s Arena Stage.   ….originally in a 30 x 36’  playing space (plus audience of 827)

I never saw the production, but I read about/saw pictures of a
production of "On the Razzle" at the Arena, and was intrigued by the
notion of doing a farce (all about slamming doors) on a set with no
doors (or walls).... very inspiring when I decided to stage "On the
Razzle" with no doors (but a proscenium production). Working in a
flexible space can be mind-bending, but it's a great exercise, to be

Jon Ares

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