[SML] Platforming to go on the road

Joe D jdunfee12 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 9 02:10:17 UTC 2017

Richard Niederberg via Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
>Also consider the 'lever' effect. a small shaking on the bottom 
>is amplified by a 8' lever to the top. You don't want 
>apprehensive actors, even if they are safe. 

Good point to mention.  I was in a play where the week before opening, we got to start working on a raised platform that I was seated with along with a few other actors.   I've done things like repelling and sky diving, but it was slightly unsettling at first. One of the other actors was actually quite nervous about it. He seemed OK acting, but there had to be a bit of a skirmish in the scene.  We had to make some adjustments to the blocking and made more room. But, I am sure that the platform justifiably curtailed the acting a bit, because they needed to be sure to stay safe.

So, perhaps mention this sort of thing to the director.  A lot depends upon what the scene is, of course. A wall or hand-rail on the back is certainly very reassuring to the actors.  Perhaps try to get the upper deck completed soon, and place it on something like concrete blocks. Then, they can start to get the feel of being on a platform.


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