[SML] Anyone use VR in the (technical theatre) classroom?

Jon Ares jonares at arescreative.com
Mon Mar 20 19:39:21 UTC 2017

So my school has some VR stuff (Vive, for those that know what this
stuff is) - and Google's Tilt Brush software.  We've got some small
ideas for curricular application in the advanced Tech Theatre
class.... try "building" set pieces, full-scale, etc, to play with
volume and scale) - and maybe something with costume design as well.
In this Google promo, there's a guy "virtually" designing an outfit,
and we thought that might inspire some students.

Along the lines of experimenting with volume and scale, this demo
shows the possibilities:

Has anyone done anything like this before? Any ideas, tips, etc?

We don't have any "live-action" end goal in mind... we're not going to
put 100+ audience members in VR headwear to experience a 3D
production, but we're all learning here....

Jon Ares

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