[SML] Autodesk subscription?

JIM VOGEL james.vogel at wisc.edu
Wed Mar 22 14:30:01 UTC 2017

>From a recent email from Autodesk:

With our move to subscription, one thing has become clear to us-managing two business models (subscriptions and maintenance plans) is quite costly. To continue supporting maintenance, beginning May 7, 2017, renewal prices will increase by 5% in 2017, 10% in 2018, and 20% in 2019. Also, you should be aware that maintenance plans can now only be renewed for one year at a time.
Beginning June 2017, you'll be able to move your products on a maintenance plan to a subscription for up to 60% less than the cost of a new subscription. This discount will decrease by 5% in 2018 and another 5% in 2019, so the earlier you switch to a subscription, the less it will cost-and the more you'll save compared to those who wait to move, or choose to stay on maintenance.

Thoughts about forcing people to move to a subscription instead of a maintenance mode?
Would you stop using autocad/autodesk products if you had to move from maintenance to subscription?

James E. Vogel
Technical Director
Madison, WI 53704
(*) e-mail:     vogeljames at a<mailto:james.vogel at em.wisc.edu>ol.com<http://ol.com>

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