[SML] Recording video/audio

Stephen Litterst litterst.stagecraft at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 15:19:32 UTC 2017

On 9/13/17 10:35 AM, Jeffrey Kanyuck via Stagecraft wrote:
> Hello,
>      I am looking for some input on devices some of you may like or definitely don't like. We are wanting to record events at our facilities. Our old recording set up that was thrown together for the heck of it when someone asked for it has died.
>      We have a video system (without audio) that switches between cameras with an HDMI and SDI outputs, we have an audio system which we can obviously convert to pretty much any kind of connection for output you want.
>      I need a device that will record the video and audio together, and hopefully be able to stream it out at the same time.
>      Our events are up to 3 hours long. Yes, I know it's a lot of storage.
>      We'll edit it later and market, burn to dvd's,  youtube it, etc.

We use the BlackMagic HyperDeck Studio Pro for recording.  SDI inputs 
for video and XLR inputs for audio.  Doesn't stream, however.  They have 
several models of the HyperDeck, but the pro is the only one with XLR 
inputs for audio.

Alternatively, their new ATEM TV Studio HD has XLR inputs, so you could 
replace your current switcher with that, and then run the output to a 
recording deck of your choice.

For streaming, we have a RackMac running wirecast that takes the output 
of the HyperDeck and puts it up on our website.

Steve L.

Stephen Litterst            Technical Operations Supervisor
litterst at udel.edu           Mitchell Hall
302/831-0601                University of Delaware

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