[SML] iphone 7 audio stops when using lightning adapter

Jon Ares jonares at arescreative.com
Thu Apr 12 19:47:40 UTC 2018

> Never use a phone for mission-critical work. Download the file onto a
> laptop, put into QLab or other playback software and use that.
> Right tool used the right way = right results.
Sometimes you have NO WAY to do it the "right way."  Dance recitals
are notorious for having NO prep time, and they throw a CD at you, and
when that CD was improperly burned or won't play, they have to resort
to using the track from their phone, where maybe they bought the track
from iTunes, and have no easy, legal, or otherwise way, to get it off
the phone and into QLab.  Been there, done that, have to deal with
that 50x a year.  Have to deal with that for 10 hours on Saturday.
Zero prep time, dozens of dance companies from across the west, all
converging with CDs that may or may not work, but will have a backup
on their phone.

Jon Ares

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