[SML] job posting

Curtis Phillips cphillip at d.umn.edu
Thu Aug 2 19:18:59 UTC 2018

The Department of Theatre at the University of Minnesota, Duluth seeks a
9-month, 50% Practicum Instructor of Theatre in scenery and/or properties
beginning August 20, 2018.
Responsibilities include team teaching a hands-on course with tenured or
tenure-track faculty. Position will supervise stagecraft crews in proper
scenic construction, properties construction and/or scene painting
practices as instructed by the technical director. Essential
Qualifications: BA or BFA in Theatre, understanding of safe operation of
hand and power tools, carpentry, scenic or decorative painting skills
and/or properties design & construction, and the ability to read
construction drawings. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills,
and the ability to manage diverse student populations. For a complete
position description and information on how to apply online, visit
https://humanresources.umn.edu/jobs and search for Job ID 325298. Complete
applications will be reviewed beginning August 10, 2018. The University of
Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

Curtis Phillips
Associate Professor/Scenic Designer
University of Minnesota Duluth
cphillip at d.umn.edu

"As always, please excuse the typos"
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