[SML] What do we call ERSs now in the LED era?

Jon Ares jonares at arescreative.com
Wed Aug 15 21:36:03 UTC 2018

On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 1:57 PM, Jeffrey E. Salzberg via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> We still refer to LED wash units as PARs,

Yeah, I do too...  LED PARs.... though they technically don't have
"parabolic aluminized reflectors" in them....   :)  A kid has yet to call
me on it, but it does bug me to call things incorrectly, and perpetuating

I just wrote an "executive assistant" asking about her boss's needs for a
presentation next week, and in 5 sentences, used the word "lectern" three
times.  She seemed to understand what I was asking, as she responded to the
effect: "Yes, the standard setup is fine - podium, screen, small
table...."  (Maybe she thought *I* was using the wrong word.)

Jon Ares
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