[SML] What is your favorite cue number method?

Andy Leviss andy at soundguyandy.com
Mon Feb 26 16:30:21 UTC 2018

On Sun, Feb 25, 2018 at 6:19 PM, Brian Munroe via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> All cues begin with the page number they are located on multiplied by 100.
> Then your SM is calling cue 5007? Seems like a mouthful.

A lot of sound designers do similar, but simply page.cue, so the 3rd cue on
page 128 ends up as 128.3. I'm not sure there's benefit to the idea of
avoiding point-cues that I assume is behind the x100 practice in reality,
especially once you get past 2-digit page numbers.


Andy Leviss
Production Sound Engineer, LCT3
Claire Tow Theater at Lincoln Center
Andy at SoundGuyAndy.com
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