[SML] 60Hz gear in a 50Hz World

Mt. Angel Performing Arts Center admin at mtangelperformingarts.com
Wed Feb 28 23:17:09 UTC 2018

The answer is 'probably', based on my experiments with building DMX 
controlled whizbangs. Jerry probably has much more info than I.

IME a well-designed pack will determine the zero-crossing time of the 
power source and phase lock its internal clock so that zero-crossing 
interval is 256 magic units. Then the DMX sends a 0-255 number and 
(after maybe doing some cosine adjustment) the controller PWMs (pulse 
width modulates) the output when the two match.

If the dimmer pack isn't quite so smart and is designed for 60HZ only 
then either you won't get full brightness at 100% or fully 'out' at 0% 
depending on how the controller logic works.


I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with "Guess" on it. So I said 
"Implants?" She hit me.

On 2/28/2018 2:54 PM, Sean McCarthy via Stagecraft wrote:
> We're sending a show to Abu Dhabi.  We'd like to run some 120v
> practicals on the set with a small DMX dimmer pack ("party pack")
> plugged into a transformer.  Will that work?  Is the gear likely to
> handle the different frequency?
> I've never tried this before....
> --Sean
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