[SML] Batten Clamps Question

Jon Lagerquist jon at lagerquist.com
Fri Mar 30 19:41:59 UTC 2018

I do not think so. But from a practical point of view unless there is a
reason to do something else I hang track this way:

Place the track with track clamps on the floor under the batten. Loosely
attach all the pipe clamps to line up with the track clamps using two
bolts leaving the third for the track [top - bolt,batten,bolt,hole -
bottom]. Place a bolt through the bottom hole in the end pipe clamp,
lift the end of the track and slide it on the bolt and secure. Repeat on
the other end. Attach the middle clamps. Slight variations for
overlapping track.


On 3/30/2018 12:35 PM, Lon Butcher via Stagecraft wrote:
> Hello to "The List",
> For batten clamps that hold up traveler track.  Is there a right and
> wrong between using two bolts on the track side, or two bolts above
> the batten?
> Thanks,
> Lon

Jon Lagerquist

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