[SML] Spreader plates

Dave Vick dave.vick at gmail.com
Tue May 1 06:27:11 UTC 2018

On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 4:04 PM, Jon Lagerquist via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> If the weight is not going to move, how about the wild idea of welding a
> strap across the end of a brick in the stack. A bent piece could be slid
> down the back and welded on the sides.

Once upon a time, oh about seven or eight years ago, I spent a couple of
days in a junior college theatre near Cleveland, welding additional
spreader plates into the arbors in their double-purchase counterweight
system at the behest of Uncle Bill...

I cannot begin to tell you how lousy an idea doing any welding on a
counterweight system is.

Dave Vick
IATSE #274, Michigan
ETCP Double-Certified Rigger #427
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