[SML] Yesterday's 3D project: 3-fer attachment clippie

Mt. Angel Performing Arts Center admin at mtangelperformingarts.com
Sat May 12 03:41:49 UTC 2018

I needed a 3-fer to plug three 600W cyclorama lights into a single circuit -

A square junction 'handy' box with one 5L-20 outlet, one 8' pigtail with 
a 5L-20 plug and two 8' pigtails with 5l-20 receptacles.

Easy enough to cobble together but a lot of clutter to dangle about plus 
how to secure the box to the grid?

3D printer to the rescue!

Sketched out a slightly more than half-circle to fit our grid pipe, 
added suitably sized holes for self-tapping screws to match the holes in 
the handy box (and also put in a rectangular slot for a tie-wrap to 
'safety' it to the pipe if needed)

Sliced it and sent it to the printer - a couple of hours later and now 
we have a purple hanger clippie thingie to secure the box aloft.

I'm finally getting the 'hang' of 3D and I like it!


You can't fix stupid, but you can vote them out of office

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