[SML] Who uses a touchscreen with their Ion or Element?

Stephen Litterst litterst.stagecraft at gmail.com
Fri May 18 00:12:39 UTC 2018

On 5/16/18 7:33 PM, Jon Ares via Stagecraft wrote:
> Howdy....  who here uses one or two touchscreens with their Ion or
> Element? Which functions do you find valuable in a touch environment?
> And do you have two touchscreens, or just one?

Two with my Ion Classic.  THey're mounted on adjustable arms (not 
articulating, it takes tools to tweak) so I have one straight above the 
Ion, and another to the right side angled closer.  The right one has my 
magic sheet and color picker, while straight ahead is PSD with direct 

Our other venue has an Ion Classic with one touch and one non-touch 
screen.  The non-touch is mounted above the touch screen and shows the 
PSD while the touch screen has the magic sheet.  The main reason this 
venue has only one touch screen is that it has a much smaller booth.

Steve L.

Stephen Litterst            Technical Operations Supervisor
litterst at udel.edu           Mitchell Hall
302/831-0601                University of Delaware

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