[SML] Searchable Royalty-free music for short interludes?

faker200 at netins.net faker200 at netins.net
Tue Apr 9 17:39:51 UTC 2019

More than likley I am talking out of the wrong orfice...it seems that
every time I go online to find sound effects, the sites I had bookmarked
are gone or changed their policy.  You may be best off recording you own
music & avoid all the copyright nonsence

On 2019-04-09 09:53, jdunfee12--- via Stagecraft wrote:

> I am searching for a source for short musical interludes, to use to cover the scene changes.  I am seeking to purchase the rights to use the music, without performance royalties, since it will be performed a number of times, and I don't want to deal with the licensing process for every show. 
> For example, I am seeking a string ensemble segment that lasts between [Min:Sec] 0:30 and 0:45 in duration. And also a similar arrangement that lasts between 1:30 and 2:00. 
> I have found a number of sites that allow some amount of filtering [e.g. http://www.mediamusicnow.co.uk, ], but length seems to be one that is difficult to find. 
> Any suggestions? 
> -Joe 
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