[SML] Boston Mayor's aides convicted of demanding music festival hire union stagehands.

June Abernathy jea00321 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 11 20:14:35 UTC 2019

I’m sorry to see that the anti-union bias so prevalent in the country is still as prevalent as ever on this list. Of course, everyone in this case assumed the worst - that the Mayor’s Office was suggesting Union labor not to ensure that the festival would have trained professional workers, but “obviously” because of political payback for the union’s support of the Mayor in the election, or that “obviously”, the union was behind this kind of pressure, because of course, that’s just the sort of thing that we Union Thugs do. 

Disheartening to see those sentiments echoed here on the list. I’m sure it would please Frank Wood to no end to know that the anti union bias he was so proud of spreading didn’t leave the list when he passed. 

June Abernathy

Proud Union Thug
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