[SML] LED room lighting

Stephen Litterst litterst.stagecraft at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 13:41:10 UTC 2019

The guidelines are in illuminance, because it matters how much light you 
have at the target, whether it's a workbench, hallway or toilet.

It is generally up to whatever subcontractor doing the design/install to 
do the math on how many lumens you need coming out of a fixture at a 
given fixture spacing to achieve the appropriate illuminance for the room.

Steve L.

On 8/12/19 9:32 AM, Dan Sheehan via Stagecraft wrote:
> Lumens would be the amount of light emitted by a source.
> Illuminance would be how brightly the target is lit.
> Between the source and the target is optics.
> Example, take two S4's with same lamp and level,
> one with 50' lens, other with 19' lens,
> same throw distance to a target wall.
> Both produce the same quantity of lumens from the instrument,
> but the tighter lens will produce much brighter (but smaller area) 
> illuminance on the wall
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 8:59 AM Stephen Litterst via Stagecraft 
> <stagecraft at theatrical.net <mailto:stagecraft at theatrical.net>> wrote:
>     On 8/9/19 1:50 PM, Jerry Durand via Stagecraft wrote:
>      > Are there some rules of thumb for fixture wattage for various rooms
>      > (shop, lounge, etc.)?  I know LEDs vary a lot in efficiency (see
>     below)
>      > but most common LED assemblies seem to be sold by Watts.
>     The needs are different, depending on what each room would be used for.
>     And the guidelines are given in illuminance, since lumens per watt
>     differs wildly from fixture to fixture.
>     Digging into an old textbook, I found this chart --
>     https://books.google.com/books?id=vfcFAAAAQBAJ&pg=PA333&lpg=PA333&dq=Table+14-2+Machine+Shops+and+Assembly+areas&source=bl&ots=wIwBd3dGpO&sig=ACfU3U0SXtvnI_Rwb2TB8vKBjucEG2ssCQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiFifvYsP3jAhUIhOAKHQUSDrcQ6AEwCnoECBIQAQ#v=onepage&q=Table%2014-2%20Machine%20Shops%20and%20Assembly%20areas&f=false
>     If the link doesn't parse, it's from "Industrial Electricity
>     By Michael E. Brumbach" Table 14-2, Machine Shops & Assembly Areas.
>     Steve L
>     -- 
>     Stephen Litterst            Technical Operations Supervisor
>     litterst at udel.edu <mailto:litterst at udel.edu>           Mitchell Hall
>     302/831-0601                University of Delaware
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> -- 
> ...Dan Sheehan
> Fixer of things that break
> TD Walpole (MA) Footlighters
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Stephen Litterst            Technical Operations Supervisor
litterst at udel.edu           Mitchell Hall
302/831-0601                University of Delaware

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