[SML] Ideas for break-away mug

Duncan Mahoney dmahoney at usc.edu
Mon Aug 19 20:26:54 UTC 2019

My experience with greenware mugs and flats faced with ¼" luan is that sometimes the mugs go through the flat rather than breaking.  So a thorough discussion of where the mug will be thrown, reinforcement of the set, and accuracy of aim on the part of the performer are all important to the effect.  When it works the sound is OK, but you do need a new mug for each performance...  Break-a-way mugs from a vendor like Alfonso's break much easier than greenware, but are more expensive.

A reusable break-a-way will need to be robust, so it does not break where it should not

Duncan Mahoney
Head of Technical Direction
Associate Professor of Theatre Practice
University of Southern California School of Dramatic Arts

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