[SML] Hossfeld bender in LA area?
Mt. Angel Performing Arts Center
admin at mtangelperformingarts.com
Fri Jan 11 21:58:06 UTC 2019
If you don't need the hydraulic assist or a 'real' Hossfield the Harbor
Freight cheapie may be perfectly adequate for less than $100.
We have an American-made manual bender (now discontinued) from
ShopOutfitters.com that was fine for our needs until we found a DiAcro #2.
The only down side to the HF unit (besides shipping dollars to China) is
that it's challenging to do exact repeats of bends.
BUT, if you really want to make flat rings, not tall ones, then maybe
even a Hossfield hydraulic won't do it. Major distortion and not enough
'oomph'. If what you're making is essentially BIG flat washers then
plasma or water jet cutting out of sheet stock may be a better / cheaper
Just my $.02
Even in his last years, Granddad had a mind like a steel trap, only one
that had been left out so long, it had rusted shut. - from a 2009 High
School essay
On 1/11/2019 12:22 PM, Steven Hood via Stagecraft wrote:
> Anyone in or around Los Angeles have a Hossfeld bender I could do some
> bending on? The material I'm planning to use is 1/4" strap, bending to
> make flat rings, not tall ones...
> I don't have the extra budget for the $3,000 school kit at the moment.
> Thanks,
> Steven R Hood
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