[SML] Outdoor color changing light suggestions

Sarah McKenney mckenney.sarah at gmail.com
Thu May 16 01:48:34 UTC 2019

Theatre hive mind:

Does anyone know of a color changing fixture that is outdoor rated and can
withstand temperatures up to 120° F? The unit doesn't have to move or have
an iris or anything. Although a decent throw would be nice.

We have been tempted to upgrade to LEDs, but most of them seem to have
circuit boards that fry at that temperature.  We are currently using 19-25°
Nexera zooms (CMY glass filters on motors -- no longer manufactured...) for
down light in the hotest part of the theatre, and then scrollers on 14°
Source 4s for the side lights (not rated for outdoors, and years of heat,
rain, and smoke has not been kind to them).

Also, always a tight space with multiple shows running at the same time,
hah. So as small and powerful as possible? Does such a beacon of light

Thanks friends!

~Sarah McKenney
Electrics technician
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
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