[SML] Old joke request

David Fox David.Fox at etcconnect.com
Fri Sep 6 00:04:03 UTC 2019


And I am with 100% June on this one. "Funny-so-they-aren't-really-racist" jokes aren't cringeworthily reminders of those silly times past. They are a reminder that people use humor to hide hate.
Truth be told, they weren't funny then either.


But in the spirit of the thread...

Your family: Hey, do you have any tape?
You: You are going to have to be more specific.

One night over drinks, a lighting designer and a sound designer were discussing the relative importance of their roles in theatre. After many points back and forth, the LD said "well, all I know is that in the beginning, g*d said "let there be light!". 
"Woah, woah, woah!" says the sound designer, "Did you want to hear them?"

An actor walks into a bar.... "Hey, can you put some glowtape on this?"

How many stage managers does it take to change a- "Done!"

There are two people who both claim to live in the building where Shakespeare wrote Romeo & Juliet. They should put a plaque on both their houses.

Two men were talking. 
The first "I went to the theatre last night but had to leave after Act I."
The Second: "Why was that?" 
The first: "Well, the program said 'Act II - one year later', and I couldn't wait."

Why do people say Break a leg? Because every play has a cast.


It is important to note that the opinions of the individual and those of their employer are not always aligned.

What you have read should be construed as my opinion and not the opinion of my employer. If you don't like or agree with my thoughts and musings, I am the one you should take to task and not the nice people who pay me.

Be Seeing You


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