[SML] Stage Lighting Books in the Emergency Internet Library

Gordon Nimmo-Smith gnsmith at shakespearetheatre.org
Sun May 3 21:21:01 UTC 2020

At the risk of giving away my origins, over in the UK the “must-read” book is the Stage Lighting Handbook by Francis Reid.  Now in its 6th Edition, or at least that’s the copy I have. Earlier editions are also available in that library, which give a neat idea of the evolution of lighting tech over the years.



Gordon Nimmo-Smith
Audio/Video Supervisor
610 F St NW, Washington DC 20004
202.547.3230 ext. 3543
gnsmith at shakespearetheatre.org<mailto:gnsmith at shakespearetheatre.org>

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From: Stagecraft <stagecraft-bounces at theatrical.net> on behalf of Jon Ares via Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net>
Reply-To: Stagecraft Mailing List <stagecraft at theatrical.net>
Date: Saturday, May 2, 2020 at 9:26 PM
To: Stagecraft Mailing List <stagecraft at theatrical.net>
Cc: Jon Ares <jonares at arescreative.com>
Subject: Re: [SML] Stage Lighting Books in the Emergency Internet Library

The National Emergency Library is so cool!  Indeed they do have Jean Rosenthal's book, and McCandless... and look at what other gem I found:
[cid:image001.png at 01D6216F.2CB03440]

Dr. Hall's 1986 dissertation!  :) Cool seeing an SML alumn's work here.

- Jon

On Sat, May 2, 2020 at 4:32 PM Stephen Clear via Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net<mailto:stagecraft at theatrical.net>> wrote:
I am surprised that no one has recommended Stanley McCandless’ A Method of Lighting The Stage. One of my favorite lighting books. ( I bought the 1939 2nd edition for .25 cents).

Jon Ares
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