[SML] Producing a Play

faker200 at netins.net faker200 at netins.net
Tue Jul 13 02:30:01 UTC 2021

I am not sure if this is a good idea but....Can you set up a series of 
meeting between you Admin rep & the various groups to deal with for a 
production?  One could be with a rep form a publishing company like MTI 
so they could explain how they come up with the numbers used in 
secureing rights to a production.  Another meeting might be with any 
unions contracted with.  Then some with the different rental houses you 
have used.  The list goes on.  That way they get the information you are 
trying to convey from the horse's mouth.

It is a thought anyway.

Clay Ross

On 2021-07-12 11:09, Miller, Daniel via Stagecraft wrote:

> Is there a website, article, resource that does a great job outlining 
> how much it costs to produce a non-professional play / musical? I have 
> been trying to share my own expertise with our university 
> administration but they would like info from another source beyond me.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Dan
> Daniel L. Miller
> Professor of Theatre
> Director of Theatre
> Dakota Wesleyan University
> Mitchell, SD
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