[SML] Network and SDI cable

Jon Ares jonares at arescreative.com
Thu Jul 15 14:32:59 UTC 2021

On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 10:13 PM Stephen Lee via Stagecraft
<stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
> I'll second the recommendation for Bluejeanscable. Markertek is also a good source. For RS-422 cable, HDMI cables, and misc. adapters, Monoprice is fairly good at carrying reasonably priced stuff. Cat5e & Cat6 are commodities at this point, so just source it from wherever is convenient & cheap.

Back in the 90s when I did a lot more broadcast TV work, Markertek was
the go-to.  Wasn't even sure if they were still around in this (much
smaller/accessible) e-commerce world, but look at that - they are! Was
afraid they'd be supplanted by the Amazons and Monoprices of the

Jon Ares

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