[SML] CPAC Stage Design

Dale Farmer dale at cybercom.net
Thu Mar 4 01:56:04 UTC 2021

On 3/3/2021 7:57 AM, Dougherty, Jim via Stagecraft wrote:
> Here’s a lexicon of hate symbols; it’s not all swastikas and lightning 
> bolts.
> https://www.adl.org/hate-symbols <https://www.adl.org/hate-symbols>
> -  Jim Dougherty
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Skimming just the first couple of pages, and nearly all of them were new 
to me.  I guess that proves I've never been in prison, as most of them 
seem to be associated with prison gangs.   There are a bewildering 
complexity of symbols on that page.  Certainly more than my poor brain 
can retain.  How is a designer supposed to know and not use any of those 
symbols? What reasonable due diligence?

This brings up another question.  Are there any symbols that are not 
hate symbols to some group or another? The ancient Inca's, for instance, 
would certainly regard the christian cross as one, as the Spaniards and 
Catholic Church subjugated them to slavery, forced conversion, and death 
during the conquest of central america.


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