[SML] Farewell

Ford Sellers fsellers at chauvetlighting.com
Mon Nov 1 15:14:13 UTC 2021

Thanks for your time, and opinions expressed over the decades.  
I tip my hat, and offer a toast to your next venture.

Be well, be safe, and I hope to be sing you around,

-----Original Message-----
From: Stagecraft <stagecraft-bounces at theatrical.net> On Behalf Of Dave Vick via Stagecraft
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2021 7:22 PM
To: Stagecraft Mail List <stagecraft at theatrical.net>
Cc: Dave Vick <dave.vick at gmail.com>
Subject: [SML] Farewell

Just wanted to doff my hat to all the patrons here in the stagehand tavern and say "thanks for all the memories."  Life has thrown a Whitworth Crap-Ton of twists and turns at me recently (as opposed to your basic Imperial or Metric crap-tons), and in the pursuit of preserving what little remains of my sanity, I've decided it's time to move on to other adventures.

I've resigned from the Presidency of my IATSE Local, pulled myself off the Local's crew list, and taken an honorable withdrawal from the Alliance, and am sadly hanging up my stagehand spurs after damn near forty years. I'll eventually be contacting whomever is running the ETCP office these days and requesting Retiree status.

It's been a dream, folks.  Literally the stuff of my most ridiculous High-School Drama Club Nerd dreams. But if I want to live to see my
62nd birthday, I need to leave.   Now.

(Exiting, pursued by a beer...)
Dave Vick
Yeah; *that* guy...

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