[SML] Safety of carbon fiber masks/heads

Ford Sellers fsellers at chauvetlighting.com
Wed Sep 7 18:40:13 UTC 2022

Hi Michael,
My experience is not extensive, but We have considered CF for fixture housings, and have so-far declined from using it in mass production.
>From what I've seen, the dust is not good to inhale. Not asbestos level bad, but SUPER irritation to the lungs.

If the units have been sealed properly, and they are not likely to rub extensively, you're probably fine.
But, if there's going to be a lot of mechanical stress, or rubbing, then I wouldn't recommend using it.
For now, we have decided that the rigors of the road are not predictable enough for us to commit to using CF... This may change, as we become more educated.

Also, touching the unsealed surface (or just the dust) without a nice layer of lacquer on it to protect your skin can be extremely irritating...similar to, but worse than, handling fiberglass.  

Again, I'm no expert, so I may be being overly conservative... But in a situation with performers using/wearing these (possibly dropping them, etc.), I'd lean to the cautions side.

-- old fart in residence 
--- Get off my lawn

-----Original Message-----
From: Stagecraft <stagecraft-bounces at theatrical.net> On Behalf Of Michael Sauder via Stagecraft
Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 1:45 PM
To: Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net>
Cc: Michael Sauder <michael.sauder at gmail.com>
Subject: [SML] Safety of carbon fiber masks/heads

I had a millinery ask if I had any knowledge or contacts to ask about if she should cover some carbon fiber heads with a layer of resin. To be clear, these are hollow heads that performers are wearing, so they're breathing is in close contact to the carbon fiber.

As I deal in the world of computers and the like, this is outside of my wheelhouse, but it seems like exactly the kind of thing that some people on this list might know. Here's what she has to say:

"I was wondering if you happen to know anyone who works with Carbon fiber.
We had some new polar heads made and the guy was like very gungho on us going the carbon fiber route- which i know is lighter and stronger, but not much else.

I now have the heads and based on the experience working with the maker, have concerns about the safety of putting a dancer breathing in them, never mind the handling I do to cover with fur/hat and mount the helmet.

Since you are also make- I wondered if you knew someone who could advise me on whether I need to coat the inside - where there should be a resin layer seems quite sparse in places and I like to worry. a quick google is a rabbit hole without clear advice for dancing bears.
Or what a best quick coating would be."

Any advice for her?


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