[SML] Gas or Electric for Dryers

Charlie Richmond charlie.rsd at gmail.com
Thu Dec 18 16:03:02 UTC 2014

On 18 December 2014 at 07:59, Mike Katz via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
> If you can do gas I would recommend it. It heats faster & is less
> expensive in use and more sustainable than having the power come from
> electricity, If you have a massive PV system then go ahead and use the
> electricity, I suspect Fredonia does not have that (It would be under snow
> MOST of the year).

This brings up a question I have always wondered: do places with PC arrays
that also have lots of snow mount them on a self-cleaning angle or do they
have any sort of plan to keep them clear?

Should I change the subject line? ;-)


* Charlie Richmond - http://www.RichmondSoundDesign.com
* Skype: charlierichmond  Viber: +16047159441
* LinkedIn & Twitter: charlierichmond * Facebook: charlie.richmond
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