Richard John Archer rja10 at cornell.edu
Wed Sep 24 20:43:44 UTC 2014

They tried doing this in our space two years ago…turning off the AC when not in use.   Well  the humidity was high enough to leave nice white marks as the FP leeched out of the drapery.  They  eventually figured the AC was less than the bill to clean and  re- FP the drapes.   Now we have IFR drapes but we must have neglected to mention it to the AC folks.  

TD, Cornell U  

>> We've recently had our studio theatre space give us fits and starts with significant temperature and humidity swings.  After a good 12-14 months of discussions with our Facilities Management about the issue, we were, well... pretty peeved.  We had one complete floor of Masonite already replaced at our cost and starting to have major issues with its replacement. 
> We have those swings when the building is not occupied and that is when my curtains and masonite floor take the biggest beating. We operate on 4 - 10 hour days over the summer and then the air is turned off for three days.  I am guessing the regs were only for when the space is occupied.  I am all for saving money but...
> Greg Bierly

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