[SML] Upgrading dimmer racks

Bruce Purdy bpurdy at rochester.rr.com
Mon Feb 23 20:25:12 UTC 2015

Bill Nelson wrote:

> I would like to get a rack with a capability of at least 48 dimmers - 96 would
> be better. Depending on cost, we might start out with as few as 24 dimmers
> (the current level) and add more as funds become available.
> Possible funding is around $20,000 and I would prefer new equipment if possible.
> DMX control is mandatory, network control capability would be a nice bonus.
> Also, does anyone have an idea how much it costs to upgrade the building
> electrical service? I don't know if what we have would handle 96 dimmers.

	You are going from 24 dimmers to 48-96? Do you have a surplus of instruments, or will you then need more? 

	I’m just speculating, but between a NEW 96 dimmer rack + additional instruments AND electrical service upgrade … at this time might it be better to get a few 4-pack dimmer units and some LED instruments instead??

Bruce Purdy
Central New York Magic Theatre Co.

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