[SML] OT : Hanging Flat Screen TV

billn at peak.org billn at peak.org
Thu Jul 2 01:07:27 UTC 2015

> Over 1/2 century ago, when 1" t/g pine existed, 2X4's were actually
> close to that size, and studs on 16" centers was the standard, I would
> have no problems w/that advice. Modern standards are probably knotty
> pine-looking paper over 1/8" panels of ?, over 1" nailing boards on
> 24-48" centers.  On which I wouldn't hang a pic of my MIL.   When was
> the wall put in?  Flat screens ARE heavy, esp cantilevered, and
> expensive to replace. Unless sure, I wouldn't experiment.  Lean on the
> bracket, if it gives just a little, find another wall.   Side lighting
> is good advise, you should see the nail dimples easily.

Actually, if T&G, there shouldn't be any face nailing, so no nail dimples
would be visible except along the two adjacent walls.

"Heavy" is relative. Compared to old tube based sets, they are very light. The
cantilever is also much less.

I agree that "install the bracket, then load test it" before hanging the
display is wise. That should be standard practice when hanging ANYTHING.


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