[SML] Marley-type floor covering question.

Steven Hood shood_td at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 12 21:02:00 UTC 2016

We installed Harlequin Cascade over a Harlequin Liberty (foam-sprung) 
floor. We haven't had to do any maintenance beyond retaping seams where 
taps have worn through the tape...
We're in SoCal. The dance studio is in the basement below the water table, 
and the humidity there hasn't caused any problems, either...
Steven R Hood

On February 12, 2016 12:49:34 PM SAMUEL JONES via Stagecraft 
<stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> Ripples could certainly be caused by over stretching especially since the 
> stretching is almost always done by hand which does not evenly distribute 
> the the force evenly along the strip of floor.  However, I’v never seen 
> anyone try to stretch a floor that didn’t already have ripples in it, but 
> others have traveled more than I.
> Sam
>> On Feb 12, 2016, at 12:28 PM, Dan Feith via Stagecraft 
>> <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
>> Generally ripples in thinner floors are caused by overstretching when they 
>> are being installed. Thicker floors won't do that as much. I've never seen 
>> a felt backed floor with ripples.
> ----------
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