[SML] Show Cue Systems and USB audio interface

Timothy Nielsen tdnielsen at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 20:14:25 UTC 2016

Joe Wilson wrote:
<No more love for StageResearch's SFX?  That's what we've been using over
here for quite a number of years.>

I first learned on SFX 5.6, made the jump to 6.0 and used it for many
years.  Once I got a mac laptop in the theatre, I jumped to Qlab and never
looked back.  I always found SFX to be counter intuitive and hard to use,
even with years of programming experience on it.  Nothing particularly
wrong with SFX, it just seemed like Qlab had it beat in every category.  If
I didn't have a Mac to use, I'd still be rocking SFX.  Also, the lack of
compatibility with mp3 files until 6.0 made my life very difficult with
dance concerts, one offs, etc.

I did really like the re-sizable "GO" button in SFX though.  I do miss that.

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