[SML] Theatre and Pi

Jonathan Zitelman jzstagecraft at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 16:07:27 UTC 2016

Catching up on my huge backlog of unread messages...  I took a Pi B+, added
a TFT screen and attached (zips) it on a spare Enttec USB/DMX controller I
had laying around for a low cost, portable controller.  Mainly a cheap,
quick and dirty project just to do proof of concept.

The Pi allows for so much, just haven't had the time to build out other
projects.  It would be a good base for a low cost, intricate cue system,
particularly the Pi2 or Zero with the additional GPIO pins.

-Jonathan Z

On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 9:57 AM, Jon Ares via Stagecraft <
stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:

> Pi.... Mmm.
> Has anyone created anything with the Raspberry Pi bits for use in
> shows in some fashion?  Just curious. I think about Pi each time they
> come out with something new, and once again it's in my mind with the
> release of the Pi Zero this week.
> --
> Jon Ares
> www.arescreative.com
> http://backstagethreads.com
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