[SML] Gluing down vinyl mesh to scenery

Brian Munroe brian at themunroes.com
Wed Oct 5 18:03:44 UTC 2016

Try www.thistothat.com

Brian Munroe

> Sent from a small device with big fingers

> On Oct 5, 2016, at 1:51 PM, Jon Ares via Stagecraft <stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
> Hello all....
> Many times, I've had large bits of scenery printed on vinyl mesh
> (billboard type stuff - sort of like scrim, but made of vinyl, and is
> cheap).... and it comes out looking pretty good, if the artwork starts
> off looking good.  Anyway, I've hung/stapled it... easy enough... but
> when I've needed it adhered to hard scenery, sort of like wallpaper,
> I've had less-than-stellar results. Does anyone have recommendations
> for adhesive?  Here's what's been done before:
> Wallpaper paste: doesn't seem to hold it well.  Maybe because this is
> a mesh/scrim-type material... not enough surface area...?  The edges
> curl up a lot, too...
> Super 77 or other airborne spray: hate it.  Gets everywhere, AND the
> open time is too brief, considering these vinyl sheets are so large.
> The spray-on glues want adhesion in 15-30 seconds. Not do-able with a
> piece that's 8 or 9 feet large.
> Since this is a mesh, something like contact cement probably isn't
> going to go well, either, since we don't want the glue to ooze out
> through the mesh and ruin the artwork... so something that dries clear
> would be needed.
> Any suggestions for adhesives?  (These large panels are almost always
> applied vertically - like walls that can't be laid flat on the floor.)
> -- 
> Jon Ares
> www.arescreative.com
> http://backstagethreads.com
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