[SML] BBQ and birds

Paul Guncheon pguncheon at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 20:29:32 UTC 2017

<< One night several years ago when I had an MGA roadster, I had an owl
accompany me near the RF fender for a good 10 seconds or so. Absolutely
spectacular to see.>>

I'll go you one better. One day when I was driving my 69 Jaguar E-Type, a
small poodle ( y'know, one of those hoighty-toighty sculpted kinds with
ribbons and stuff) started running along side the car as I pulled away from
the curb. It kept up for almost 10 minutes... even when I reached
forty-five mph. I was absolutely amazed. Anyways, when I reached the 7-11,
the dog sat by the side of the car huffing and puffing, barely able to sit,
much less stand. However, it managed to run away when I opened the door and
in doing so freed the leash.

Okay... so my story is not as impressive as that about the owl. At least
mine isn't true. That must count for something.


Paul 1
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