[SML] Saint Joan Flags

Bruce bruce at ledworklights.com
Thu Jan 25 21:55:31 UTC 2018

On Thursday, January 25, 2018 9:51:44 AM CST, Kate Stack via Stagecraft 
> Has anyone done the flags that change direction in Saint Joan? For those
> who don't know the script: at the top of the scene, the flags blow in one
> direction. Then, Joan makes the wind stop and they stop blowing. Then, she
> makes the wind change direction and they blow the other way.
> Lucky me, in our show they want actors to carry out the flag poles and set
> them in the stage, so there's a whole extra layer of difficulty. But I'll
> take anyone's solution to at least have a place to start...

Yes.  We used DMX speed-controlled fans moved about by the crew.  One SL 
and One SR.  Aim them properly and the flags will respond accordingly.  It 
helps to use a lightweight material like silk or poly for the flag 

Our Prosc opening was 24'


Itinerant Stagehand and Creature Mechanic

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