[SML] Twitchy Forerunner all a-twitter

Sean McCarthy seanrmccarthy at gmail.com
Wed May 8 15:14:35 UTC 2019

try replacing the DMX chip.  They're only a couple bucks.


You can get them cheaper from Mouser or Newark Electronics, I believe.

On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 11:08 AM Jon Ares via Stagecraft
<stagecraft at theatrical.net> wrote:
> Hi folks... I've got a 7.5 inch Wybron Forerunner that's giving me
> fits - changed out the gel strings on our units recently,and one is
> twitchy - and getting worse. I unloaded the string, and thought maybe
> I over-tensioned it or something, and in trying to re-load the string,
> it's inconsolable with its twitching.  If I fiddle with the "adjust
> gel" trim pot, I can get it to calm down, but the moment I touch a
> spring roller, it goes back into twitch mode.  I've tried different
> cables, power supply, termination, etc.... all the other scrollers are
> fine, as well.
> I could get replacement parts, but I don't know what part to get...
> new control board? New gel adjust pot?
> I've got to keep these things running another few years....
> --
> Jon Ares
> www.arescreative.com
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