[SML] Tips for Painting a concrete stage floor Message

Paul G. pguncheon at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 21:00:16 UTC 2020

<<The rest of the suggestions concerning other flooring treatments are irrelevant to my circumstances and while informative are off the point.>>

Hmm... we tend to be a problem solving bunch. We strive to find the most elegant solution for any problem that pulls on our coat. With this in mind, it is understandable that my initial reaction to the post was, “Concrete is a dreadful performance surface. Wood would be preferable”. I did not immediately fire off an email proclaiming it but decided to wait and see what developed. I figured someone would suggest a wood floor... and so one someone did. Of course they did. It’s what we do. 

We are also a curious lot. As such we always push to learn as much as possible about anything that sparks interest. This post interested me in that no explanation had been given to explain the selection of painting the concrete. Had other ideas been discussed? Were the powers that be aware of the poor performance quality of concrete?

All this being said, if you ask a stagehand a question, you’ll get an answer in terms of stagecraft. As I now understand it, the original question is not about stagecraft. It is about painting concrete and as such, might be better directed to a concrete company or commercial paint or coatings vendor. At least that’s how I would proceed.


Paul 1

Sent from my iPad

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