[SML] Using UV lights in a theatre HVAC

John Taylor jt at techie.com
Tue Jun 23 02:01:23 UTC 2020

You got it Joe. Some years back my aunt had one installed in her home
system. It was not cheap.
I would think for commercial venues the cost would be unbelievable.


On 6/22/2020 7:46 PM, jdunfee12--- via Stagecraft wrote:
> Regarding the use of UV in an A/C system, note that it must be UVC...
> this is further into the UV spectrum, and is not something you want to
> expose people to.  You can't just put your theatrical black-lights in
> there, and get any results.  I did a quick search, and see that they
> actually used in some situations. But, I didn't come across stuff for
> places like theaters. Tough, actual effectiveness may not be the main
> benefit of them.  If you simply say, "We've installed Ultra-Violet
> sanitizers in our A/C system", you are helping to make people feel
> more confident about coming to your venue.
> Concerning the often mocked comments from Trump about treatment
> options. There are plenty of light-activated treatment systems in use
> by doctors.  And there are techniques being studied in regards to
> using UV light as an anti-viral that is introduced into the lungs via
> optical filaments, down the trachea. All of the methods he has
> mentioned were on the table by medical professionals, at some point in
> regards to COVID-19.  They may not have gained wide acceptance, and
> plenty of other ideas were being pursued, especially as things were
> continuously changing in the earlier days. But these comments by Trump
> are not nonsense utterances.  The biggest concern when something like
> this gets so politicized, is that some medical professionals may be
> influenced in regards to if a particular treatment option should be
> investigated.  Also, when you use a straw-man argument against
> someone, you imply that there are no valid reasons for criticism.
> -Joe
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