[SML] Tool nerd alert. C-Wrenches tested and compared.

Dave Vick dave.vick at gmail.com
Sun Dec 12 17:49:35 UTC 2021

[*teleport in*]
Gotta say I still love my old ChannelLock adjustable with the big blue
rubber grip, and a 12" wrench's adjustment range on an 8" handle...
virtually zero slippage.

I also have a genuine USA Crescent left-handed adjustable. Sounds like a
bad joke, I know, but it is indeed a southpaw model; the thumbwheel is
threaded the opposite direction from "normal," so if you hold it in your
right hand and push the thumbwheel away from you, it closes the jaw, rather
than opening it.  My father was a Lefty and I got it from him - he didn't
know WTF do do with a wrench anyway.

Just a couple of data points.

[*teleport out*]

Dave Vick
Yeah; *that* guy...
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